1. mimprevento


    Thurmond- a dribbling irrelevant embarrassment ran for President in 1948 when he was only eighty years old on a segregationist ticket after tens of thousands of Black Americans went to war to preserve our Democracy but came home to seperate toilets. These themes have no place in a modern America where we need each other now more than ever. Lotts comments reflect a mindset that doesn't belong anywhere much less mainstream politics. His stepping down today was inevitable. That was the racism in his comments as everyone knew what he meant.
    mimprevento , Dec 20, 2002
  2. Shrimpy

    Great response Mimprevento... ..... only problem was that you put your personal meaning to his words... ... . exactly what a good liberal does. Tell someone what their own words mean. Many people IN THAT TIME FRAME (1940's - 1950's) had a separatist leaning. They believed in the SEPARATION of the races.

    I to believe that we need each other more than ever in this country right now. Yet one man's simple statement, without any other supporting data (voting record, past incidents) is LABELED a racist. And the labelers' have done more, and continue to harm this country than ANYONE will ever admit.

    P. S. Speaking of that slobbering, dribbling Thurmond... ... I'll take him any day over that idiot, N wording using, Klan supporting, waste of good oxygen robert byrd... .....
    Shrimpy , Dec 20, 2002
  3. Sled Puller

    Lott is a wimp. He gave in to that Communist Daschle WAYYYYY too many times.

    The funny thing is-the Dems got rid of him- now they will have to deal with someone hand picked by the President. Somebody with BACKBONE I hope to push the American peoples agenda through!
    Sled Puller , Dec 20, 2002
  4. mimprevento


    The Dems didn't get rid of him the Republicans did. The Dems would have loved to have him around but the politically smart move was to disown him and prominent Republicans led the charge. Lott had no business leading the majority party when he harkens back to segregationist views as the good old days. I do not know where the "liberal" label comes from- I have many conservative political views as a former Naval Officer and gun owner and sportsman but I know a moron when I see one and Lott needed to go. So does Byrd and any dinosaur who is stuck in the past and cannot see the future. I do believe that Lott awakened a sleeping giant and that is the minority vote- a formidable weapon and one that scared the crap out of the Republicans- hence the pressure from Bush on down for him to step down. Good politics - nothing more, nothing less.
    mimprevento , Dec 20, 2002
  5. Jumbo Jet

    was born and raised in the South - 50s and 60s era here.

    Ever heard of Southern Democrat - let's take a roll call -

    Arkansas - Faubus

    Mississippi - Clements

    Tennessee - Gore

    Alabama - Wallace

    Georgia - Maddox

    How many Southern Democrat Senators and CongressMEN were elected from these states? How many were segregationists? Most, if not all.

    What is the difference today?

    The real issues between the Democrats and Republicans do not revolve around segregation, but BIG GOVERNMENT. The Democrats have BOUGHT the minorities and their next BIG move is to BREAK the rest of us so they can BUY us.

    When they own us, they CONTROL us.

    Everything is working exactly as they have it planned.

    Hillary is their big spark plug! What does that tell you. They are putting her in the position to lead the FIGHT against the Republicans. She is dangerous for America, for CTD owners, and for every God fearing, common sense possessing American. You heard it here. Check history 5-10 years from now and you will know that Jumbo told you the truth.

    How many Republicans or Democrats are concerned about your children's education, your health, or how many taxes you pay??

    Think about it with both sides of your brain.
    Jumbo Jet , Dec 20, 2002
  6. mimprevento


    She is a clown with no political future and has less than no chance of leading the Democrats anywhere. Good Southern Democrats of the conservative mode grew up and left the past in the past- you will not find any that I know pining for the good old days of segregation. Whatever was in Lotts heart the fact is that words and deeds are the only way we have to measure someone and his words were such that an audible gasp could be heard in the room. Neither party holds the moral high ground- what Bushs people did in SC with the phone polls was terrible- but the Dems have played the race card shamelessly as well. Quite frankly, I wish McCain had a shot- were he to have the courage to go Independent you would see fear in a lot of Republican eyes.
    mimprevento , Dec 20, 2002
  7. athompson

    The only thing that I feel Lott is guilty of is apologizing for things he did not say. He should has stood his ground and demanded an apology from those that misrepresented his remarks. The congress has much more important things to deal with than petty partisanship.
    athompson , Dec 20, 2002
  8. JTBMC

    Lott is a Wimp and nuthing but a rebagged Klintonite Democrat.

    In 97 I had 200 head of Momma cows quarantined by the Federal Inspectors, at the local Sale Barn claiming that the herd was infected with Bangs, (Brucellosis) My Vet tested prior to sale and the herd tested negative as Mississippi has worked hard to be come a Bangs free state.

    I contacted Trent Lott and was told by Mr. Lott, that there was nothing he could do to speed up the Goverment testing proceedors, and that he would not get involved in the dispute. Again I had independent Vets and Labs test my Herd and all came up negative.

    Well after 3 months of Goverment Quarantine on a Goverment mudd lott with my cattle on goverment hay only no feed or grass (hay that I had to pay for, I couldnt provide my own hay as I couldnt have any contact with the cattle) they determined that there was an error in there testing that gave a false positive. You can come pick up whats left of your cattle, 148 head of near starved to death leather bags.

    I lost 52 head and no sorry about that or let us pay you for your loss, 148 head that couldnt be sold due to their condition, years of hard work lost, and money that we needed to continue on.

    Well Lott got what he deserves as all Wimps do, I for one am glad he's out as the Speaker of the House because he has no Balls to stand up for whats right.

    Lott brags that he is the son of a Mississippi Ship Yard worker and knows hard times first hand. I wish he had to feel what my Momma cows had to endure because of the Incompetence of the Federal Goverment Dept of Agricultures live stock inspectors and forgien born lab tecns. Makes you wonder if the Commie SOB'S arent purposly trying to distroy American Farmers and Cattlemen

    TJ from Mississippi
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2002
    JTBMC , Dec 21, 2002
  9. Shrimpy

    You will never get any argument from me about Lott being a wimp b@stard. He proved that to the world when he and the entire senate refused to at least GO LOOK AT the evidence that David Schippers (sp) had collected on Komrade Klinton concerning the ALLEGED rape's he committed.

    My point is that all of this shrill, accusatory, repugnant, rhetoric that is going on over simple speech (by both sides I may add). The bias put forth by the race baiter's over what he said was ridiculous.

    Now we have the congresswomen from Washington State telling young people (High School) that bin laden is so good to people in third world countries. He builds schools, hospitals, roads and such, yet we America, do nothing. Did this mental midget ever stop and think of where bin laden got his money... ..... from a family owned company that does construction work here in the U. S. A. !!!!!! They work in other countries to, but a very LARGE portion of the income comes from work and investments here... . not abroad.

    My rant is going off coarse... ... . I will possibly start a new thread.
    Shrimpy , Dec 21, 2002
  10. baby.driver

    None of them worth a crap and you know it!!

    Arguing about which cheek, Dem Or Repub, of an ass. It is still an ass.

    They don't represent YOU, they represent themselves.

    Lott wasn't worth a crap. Not for what he said, only because he aint worth a crap.


    One big dog and pony show to keep you distracted, and it's working.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2002
    baby.driver , Dec 21, 2002

    Re: None of them worth a crap and you know it!!

    LMFAO! That is so true... . :-laf :-laf
    DEZLPWR , Dec 21, 2002
  12. Scot

    I beg your pardon. MT Lott does have a backbone. You ask me how I know? Because I sent hime one! After one of his many spineless investigations into Slick, I went out into the carcass disposal area at the deer lease and collected him a deer spine. I lovingly packed it into a box, not taking the time to knock the dirt off, wrote him a note expalining that he needed to get it installed and that Bambi no longer needed it, and mailed it to him.

    For some reason, I never got a thank you note. :D :D
    Scot , Dec 21, 2002
  13. NETim

    Political Philosophies

    We can go round and round about despicable human beings and their party affiliations for years and not decide a darn thing. Scumbags exist in both major parties. Nothing new there, eh?

    What SHOULD be the topic of discussion and SHOULD be debated, is what the two major parties generally stand for or at least what they claim to champion. I'll lead off.

    Something along the lines like:

    Liberals/Democrats/DNC want my guns, the rest of my take home pay, my CTD, internal combustion engines and any last vestiges of self-determination that remain in my heart. They also believe that partial birth abortion is a swell idea.

    Conservatives/Republicans/RNC want me to take care of myself, keep my nose clean and have some $$$'s to spend in the way I believe best. They believe that "big business" is a group of people voluntarily put together to produce goods and services at the best possible price and provide jobs at the same time. That is, "big business" IS NOT inherently evil. They don't believe that partial birth abortion is a good idea.

    Ayn Rand was right!

    NETim , Dec 22, 2002
  14. BRobertson

    Someone mentioned affirmative action a while back

    Anybody that supports it is a RACIST!!!!

    So there!!!
    BRobertson , Dec 22, 2002
  15. Champane Flight

    Still can't see it.

    I still don't see the Dems taking anyones guns away. The only gun laws I have seen have been introduced and passed by Reps. Case in point: the brady bill, Colos gun show laws, and Calif automatic weapons ban. Sorry, but I would start looking at the real culprits, not what your party says. The real culprits are on BOTH sides of the fence. They will vote for whatever gives them the most votes!!!!

    As far as affirmative action. It would be great if it worked BOTH ways. Only then would it be affirmative action.
    Champane Flight , Dec 22, 2002
  16. The patriot

    Gotta look at NJ

    Far worse than Cali as far as gun laws.

    No such thing as a CCW, a new law just passed states that "3 years after "smart gun" techknowlegy has been developed, all new gun sales will be smart guns, no acceptions".

    We now make laws on sh-- that dont exist. :rolleyes:

    I applied for a pistol permit in August 01. I got the permit Feb 02.

    The state laws says that the permit must be issued within 30 days after application..... so much for the laws working.

    They make it so hard to get these things legally that it's mighty tempting to get them otherways.


    Gun Control -- an effort to pass laws to restrain people who obey laws with the promise that the right combination of such laws will eventually deter criminals even in the absence of enforcement.
    The patriot , Dec 22, 2002
  17. NETim

    Sorry CF, with the DNC historically populated by overt anti-gunners such as Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Howard Metzenbaum, Diane Feinstein, Bill Clinton, Patrick Moynihan, etc, I gotta believe that the DNC poses and has always posed, a much bigger threat to my 2nd Amendment rights than the RNC ever has.

    Harken back to Slick's acceptance speech in '96. He did the dance of joy as he boasted to the faithful that he had taken on the "gun lobby" and won. Sounded to me like he was happier to have given the NRA a black eye than to have passed the major "crime fighting" bill known as the Brady Law. If only the DNC could learn that enforcement of the law is a key component of crime prevention. But hey, we wouldn't want to restrict the American Trial Lawyer Association's cash flow, now would we?

    But since a large part of the Dem's strategy has always been for "show", what matters the results, eh?

    NETim , Dec 22, 2002
  18. Hohn

    The most profound statement uttered in this thread. How can we expect to get any relief for Joe American when we keep reelecting the same people? The longer someone is in power, the more they are addicted to it. Just like smoking. Why? Because were are creatures of habit and will take the known (even if we hate it) over the unknown. We would rather complain than change. We bow to the god of familiarity.

    I don't understand why we reward those corrupt seekers of power with the very power they seek!!! And THEN when they give themselves MORE CONTROL OVER US we reelect them again. It's like we are slaves that have fallen in love with slavery!

    Remember in "Shawshank Redemption" how the inmates couldn't survive on the "outside' because they had become so institutionalized?? WE ARE THE SAME IN AMERICA. We have been so dumbed down by the parroting of the media and the loud screaming of special interest groups (the enviros, the gays, etc. etc). No one seems to care that our Gov't is a mess and has strayed FAR from what the Constitution calls for. Our kids aren't educated, they're INDOCTRINATED with liberal ideology and political correctness, because education has become a bastion of messed up ideas.

    We in America would be so much better off if we weren't "enlightened" so much. We probably wouldn't have so many unwanted pregnancies if we hadn't "discovered" our "right to sexual expression" What BS. That's probably a root of so many people cheating on their spouses too. Which means more divorce, and more kids living in broken homes.

    I have so many thoughts at once that I can't sort through it. More's the pity. At least you will all be spared more of my rant.


    Hohn , Jan 19, 2003
  19. The patriot


    I couldnt agree with you more.

    I've been voting Libertarian.

    I know one vote wont do it, it will take a whole lot more, but it starts with one.

    The patriot , Jan 20, 2003
  20. The patriot

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